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St. Clare’s, Oxford

St Clare's Oxford

Information Clé
Localisation Oxford, England
Etabli 1953
Cours Célèbres English Language, Foundation, Pathways
Information Clé
Localisation Oxford, England
Etabli 1953
Cours Célèbres English Language, Foundation, Pathways


St Clare’s Oxford offers students from all over the world the opportunity to pursue a first-class education in Oxford, one of the most vibrant and interesting cities in Europe. St Clare’s specialises in teaching the International Baccalaureate Diploma, University-level academic courses, and English as a Foreign Language.

Across all courses students are taught and guided by expert teachers in a supportive, friendly and truly international environment.

Breckett Front  Le service de SI-UK est rapide, fiable et efficace - leurs consultants sont des spécialistes, travaillant en étroite collaboration avec toutes les universités britanniques; grâce aux conseils de mes consultants et à l'aide à la candidature, j'ai pu obtenir des offres des universités les mieux classées.  Breckett Front

Carla Termini King's College London, Accounting and Finance