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Trinity College London

Trinity College London

Information Clé
Localisation London, England
Etabli 1877
Cours Célèbres English Language, Arts
Information Clé
Localisation London, England
Etabli 1877
Cours Célèbres English Language, Arts


Trinity College London offer qualification exams across a range of disciplines from the performing arts to the English language. Founded in 1877, each year over 600,000 candidates from over 60 countries take Trinity College assessments to gain their desired qualification.

Trinity College London offer graded qualifications in the following performing arts:

  • Music
  • Rock & Pop
  • Drama & Speech
  • Dance

Courses in Teaching English and SELT – the Secure English Language Test for visa qualifications – are also available.


Trinity College London is located between Waterloo and London Bridge in central London.

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