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University of Aberdeen provide £8,000 scholarships to EU students

11 December 2020

The University of Aberdeen has announced that students who enrol at the University from September 2021 will be automatically eligible for scholarships worth up to £8,000 per year.

The news comes as the UK prepares to leave the EU via Brexit and the news will bring 

Professor George Boyne, principal and vice-chancellor of the university, said: “When it was founded in 1495, the university looked to Europe for its inspiration. Today around a quarter of our undergraduate students and academics come from the European Union, and we are proud to have one of the highest proportions of EU students in our undergraduate population of any university in the UK."

Founded in 1495, the University of Aberdeen is one of the UK’s most internationally distinguished universities. It has a student population of around 14,500 and a large international community of students and staff drawn from over 120 different countries, offering around 550 bachelor degree programmes and 140 master’s degree programmes

If you want to study in Scotland at the University of Aberdeen, arrange a free consultation with SI-UK London today.

Universities featured in this article:

  • University of Aberdeen

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