17 November 2015
10:30 - 11:00
SI-UK London Office
Representative: Chris Hughes
Based in central London, the Condé Nast College of Fashion & Design operates from the heart of one of the world’s most exciting fashion capitals.
The Condé Nast College is an important starting point for those who want to be tomorrow’s stars of the fashion industry. With outstanding resources, leading-edge facilities and access to experts from the worlds of fashion, style and luxury, the College prepares its students to work in all areas of this exciting and innovative industry.
Condé Nast College currently offer the following long courses- the ten-week Vogue Fashion Certificate, the year-long Vogue Fashion Foundation Diploma, and the four-week Vogue Intensive Summer Course. Short courses include the one week Fashion Styling Course, the one week Fashion Journalism Course, the one week Fashion Business Course, and the Miss Vogue Weekend Course. We are now accepting applications and look forward to welcoming you to the Condé Nast family.
¿Dónde?: SI-UK London Office
¿Cuándo?: Tuesday 17 November 2015, 10:30 - 11:00
Representative: Chris Hughes
El servicio de SI-UK es rápido, confiable y eficiente. Sus consultores son especialistas, que trabajan en estrecha colaboración con todas las universidades del Reino Unido y, a través del asesoramiento y la asistencia de mis consultores, pude recibir ofertas de mis universidades favoritas.
Isabella Ramos Kings College London, Contabilidad y Finanzas.
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