26 November 2014
11:30 - 12:30
SI-UK London Office
Representative: George Hunt
The University of Sunderland has three campuses: two in Sunderland on the northeast coast of England and one in London, which is used for teaching business, tourism and nursing degrees. The University has a close link with business and industry, as well as a close working relationship with many leading blue-chip companies. Many take work placements with such companies as part of a degree, with links being particularly strong in engineering and media.
Are you are interested in learning more? Book your 20-minute private appointment by registering via the link below. We look forward to seeing you!
¿Dónde?: SI-UK London Office
¿Cuándo?: Wednesday 26 November 2014, 11:30 - 12:30
Representative: George Hunt
El servicio de SI-UK es rápido, confiable y eficiente. Sus consultores son especialistas, que trabajan en estrecha colaboración con todas las universidades del Reino Unido y, a través del asesoramiento y la asistencia de mis consultores, pude recibir ofertas de mis universidades favoritas.
Isabella Ramos Kings College London, Contabilidad y Finanzas.
Estaremos en contacto dentro de las próximas 24 horas para agendar tu consultoría inicial en tu oficina SI-UK. Si tu no puedes venir en persona, las consultas también se pueden dar vía Skype.