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New international scholarships available at Bradford

17 February 2020

The University of Bradford have announced a number of new international scholarships are available for international students enrolling from September 2020. 

Automatic scholarships worth between £2,000-£5,000 are available across a range of different subjects and students will automatically be considered once they have accepted an offer from the University and are eligible. Postgraduate students from China and Indonesia only are also invited to apply for the GREAT scholarship, worth £10,000, whilst students from Pakistan are encouraged to apply for the Bestway Foundation Scholarship which will cover full tuition and living costs and is worth £30,000!

The University of Bradford offers a wide range of financial help to assist you on your university journey, and invests over £4m annually in the Access Agreement and other scholarships to support students from all backgrounds.

If you are thinking of studying at the University of Bradford from September 2020, arrange a free consultation with SI-UK in London or Manchester today.

Universities featured in this article:

  • University of Bradford

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