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2024 UK Intakes for University Entry

September, January and May Intakes for International Students

Traditionally, the academic year in the UK follows a three-term structure: Autumn, Spring, and Summer. The Autumn term starts in September or October and is considered the main intake for most undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

UK University Intake Dates

September Intake

The largest intake in the UK occurs during September and October, which coincide with the start of the traditional academic year, which runs through until spring.

Most undergraduate and postgraduate courses start during this intake, and students enrolling during this period will benefit from a longer time to settle into their new surroundings. They will also be able to take advantage of ‘fresher’ activities—events at the start of the new year that are available to all students.

The application process for the Autumn intake typically starts well in advance, often a year before the start date. UK university application deadlines vary between universities and programs, but they often fall between January and June, depending on the course’s popularity and the university's policies.

January Intake

Many UK universities are now offering courses with January start dates. This intake is particularly attractive to international students who missed the autumn intake's application deadlines, need more time to arrange their visa, save money, or complete pre-university study, which guarantees entry to the course.

The application process for January intake in the UK typically takes place in the months before the start date, usually around September to December of the preceding year.

May Intake

May is the least common intake month for universities in the UK, with only a few courses starting during this period. Courses that start during this period tend to be for postgraduate degrees, designed with flexibility in mind, specialised courses, short courses, or courses with unique structures.

The summer intake is also popular with international students who need to improve their English language skills or study a foundation course ahead of entry in the Autumn.

UK Intake For International Students FAQ

What is the deadline for fall 2024 UK university entry?

Generally, application deadlines for popular courses can be as early as January to March 2024 for domestic students, while for international students, it can be up until the end of June 2024. Applying well in advance is recommended to ensure sufficient time for the application process.

What is the deadline for fall 2025 UK university entry?

Generally, application deadlines for popular courses can be as early as January to March 2025 for domestic students, while for international students, it can be up until the end of June 2025. Applying well in advance is recommended to ensure sufficient time for the application process.

When should I start my preparations for the UK September intake?

Preparations for the September intake typically start well in advance, often a year before the intended start date. Students should begin by researching universities and courses and preparing their applications. They should then draft a personal statement and take tests to meet entry requirements, such as Pearson PTE or GMAT.

6-8 months before they should then submit applications, ensuring you meet all requirements and deadlines before awaiting the admission decision. Start applying for visas, arranging housing, and considering funding options if accepted.

Does the UK have a winter intake?

Many UK universities offer a Winter or Spring intake, which usually starts in January. This intake is more common for postgraduate degrees, particularly in business, management, and engineering.

Is a June intake available in the UK?

A June intake is less common in the UK and is generally for international students studying specialised language or university preparation courses.

What if I face rejection in the university of my choice?

If you receive a rejection from your preferred university, it's important not to get discouraged; rejections are a standard part of the application process. If this moment occurs, consider alternative options, such as applying to other universities or degrees that align with your goals.

You might also consider reapplying in the future with a stronger application, addressing any areas that might have been lacking. Rejection does not define your potential or abilities; you can continue pursuing your educational goals with a positive attitude.

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Brishti Basu Biosciences at Coventry University