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University of Galway

Scholarships at National University of Ireland, Galway

Thông tin quan trọng
Địa điểm Galway, Ireland
Được thành lập 1849
Các khóa học nổi tiếng Văn Học Anh, Khoa Học Máy Tính, Luật
Thông tin quan trọng
Địa điểm Galway, Ireland
Được thành lập 1849
Các khóa học nổi tiếng Văn Học Anh, Khoa Học Máy Tính, Luật
Excellence Scholarships
Scholarship Name Excellence Scholarships
Academic Year 2024
Scholarship amount €1,500

As part of University of Galway's commitment to rewarding achievement and supporting ambition, a new scholarship programme, University of Galway Excellence Scholarship, will be offered to 2024 students. 

Awardees of the scholarship will receive €1,500 in recognition of their academic success and will be invited to join a high achiever development programme supported by the scholarship to grow their leadership capacity and to develop the skills they need to excel in their field of study. 

University of Galway is a globally focused research-led university, internationally renowned for the quality and impact of our teaching, research and innovation.  We strive for excellence and impact, underpinned by integrity and professionalism. As part of University of Galway's commitment to rewarding achievement and supporting ambition, our academic scholarship scheme for new entrant undergraduate students; the University of Galway Excellence Scholarship, is awarded each year

About the Scholarship:

Awardees of the scholarship will receive €1,500 in recognition of their academic success.

Scholarship Awarding:

The University of Galway Excellence Scholarships will be awarded to high achieving entrants to the full-time degree courses offered by University of Galway, commencing in 2024. A total of 40 scholarships will be awarded as per the allocation outlined below.

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Global Achievement Scholarship
Hardiman Scholarships

Breckett Front   Chuyên viên tư vấn của tôi rất tâm huyết và giúp ích rất nhiều. Cô ấy đã giúp tôi từng bước, ngay cả khi thời hạn đã rất cận kề. Tôi cảm thấy mình sẽ không thể làm được nếu không có sự trợ giúp của cô ấy. Tôi thực sự muốn giới thiệu SI-UK cho những ai đang quan tâm và tất cả bạn bè tôi.  Breckett Front

Nguyễn Thị Mai Hoa Làm việc tại Goldsmiths, University of London